Become a Ḥakīm / chaplain: Mercy for all people
Refine Your Awareness and/or Become a Professional Chaplain
Physicians care for the body. Psychologists care for mental health
Chaplains care for the wellness of the soul and its sacred values

Who are the chaplains and what service do they offer?
Chaplains are clerics such as imams, pastors, rabbis, or lay representatives of a religious tradition, or humanistic atheists or agnostics, who serves at a secular institution to provide spiritual care for people regardless of their faith backgrounds
Chaplains are now in-demand - Read The Washington Post Article:
As Americans become less religious, the role of chaplains may grow
Where can chaplains work?
Their Own Profession
Non-Profit Organizations
Prisons & Police
Youth Organizations
For students desiring spiritual growth to learn how to provide spiritual care for themselves and their loved ones. It is also for students who desire to work as chaplains in a professional non-clinical setting such as prisons, non-profit organizations, places of worships, or colleges.
While Curriculum is based on Sufism, the mystical aspect of Islam, it also includes readings on the religious ideals on all religion and on humanistic approaches.
The etymology of the word chapel comes from Old French chapele, from medieval Latin cappella, diminutive of cappa ‘cap or cape.’ The word chaplain means custodian of the cloak, or someone who inherits and preserves the sacred teaching of a spiritual tradition.
Ḥakīm is the closest word in Islamic tradition that describes the word chaplain
In Arabic, Ḥakīm means a "wise person." Ḥakīm was also used more generally to refer to polymath scholars who were knowledgeable in healing, theology, psychology, and philosophy such as Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna). Ibn Sīnā argues that spiritual wellness requires that the connection between the body and soul be strong enough to ensure the soul's individuation but weak enough to allow for its immortality. According to Ibn Sīnā, this process of perception and abstraction of meanings is the nexus of the soul and body, for the material body may only perceive material objects, while the immaterial soul may only receive the immaterial, and makes meanings of the world.
Prophet Muhammad (sa) said: "Each of you is a caretaker and each of you should provide quality care for whom he/she cares for. The father is a caretaker of his household and he should provide quality care for his household. The mother is a caretaker for her children and she should provide quality care for her children. An employee is a caretaker of customers and he /she should provide quality care for his/her customers. A leader is a caretaker of people, and he/she should provide quality care for the people whom he/she leads,"
The quality of care that Prophet Muhammad described includes the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. Physicians care for the physical bodies, psychologists care for mental health, and Ḥakīms care for the souls.
Become a Ḥakīm: Mercy for the world!
Heal and You will be healed
Universal Chaplaincy welcomes people of all faith and no-faith backgrounds
Universal Chaplaincy's Non-Discriminatory Policy
Universal Chaplaincy vow to offer equal educational opportunity and spiritual care, support, and employment opportunities for all people regardless of their national origins, race, color, sexual orientations, gender identities, physical abilities, religious beliefs, age, marital status, military status, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law.